“Country life” – wypracowanie po angielsku.

Fragment "Country life" - wypracowanie po angielsku, ale w tłumaczeniu na język polski. Dzięki temu tłumaczeniu tekst w języku angielskim nie jest opublikowany w internecie.


"(...) Dzieci, które mieszkają na wsi, mają o wiele gorszy dostęp do edukacji niż te, które mieszkają w mieście. Na wsi jest niewiele szkół, a poziom nauczania w niektórych z nich może być dość niski. Nie ma zbyt wielu miejsc, gdzie wiejskie dzieci mogłyby rozwijać swoje umiejętności czy zainteresowania. Trudno również pożyczać książki, ponieważ nie ma wystarczającej ilości bibliotek.

Młodzi ludzie wychowani na wsi mają o wiele gorsze perspektywy. Jeżeli zdecydują się zostać w rodzinnej wiosce, mają bardzo mały wybór ofert pracy. Bardzo trudno jest znaleźć bardzo dobrze płatną pracę, a możliwości awansu są znikome. Nie jest łatwo zmienić pracę i polepszać swoje kwalifikację, ze względu na trudny dostęp do kursów i szkoleń.

Na wsi trudno również o atrakcje kulturalne. Nie ma tu kin, teatrów czy muzeów. Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć wystawę czy zjeść obiad w dobrej restauracji, musisz pojechać do miasta. Wiejskie dyskoteki nie są zbyt bezpiecznymi miejscami; często mają tam miejsce bijatyki i goście mogą nawet zostać poważnie ranni. Młodzież nudzi się i staje się agresywna, a także pije zbyt dużo alkoholu. Wolny czas staje się problemem.

Wiejskie życie jest również trudne dla ludzi starszych. Sklepy są zazwyczaj daleko i trzeba do nich iść pieszo, ponieważ na wsi nie ma komunikacji. Może to być bardzo męczące, szczególnie w zimie. Kiedy starsi ludzie mają jakieś problemy ze zdrowiem, mogą bardzo długo czekać na karetkę.

Życie w swoim własnym domu pośród drzew i kwiatów może być wspaniałym doświadczeniem, ale trzeba być gotowym zaakceptować wszystkie niedogodności, jakie ono niesie."


Całe wypracowanie w języku angielskim zawiera 704 słowa.

Country life.

Living In the country is certainly much different from living In the city. Some people cannot even imagine living without their own garden and everyday contact with nature. They think that living in the country is ecological and healthy. There are people who used to live in the city but they moved to the country because they could not stand city life any more.

For those people living in the country has many advantages. The air is clean and not polluted. There are trees and plants everywhere.  You can watch birds and animals in your neighbourhood.  You can listen to their voices. You can observe how the seasons change, listen to the wind, watch the clouds or the stars. You can be very close to nature.

When you live in the country you usually have your own house and you do not have to worry about a place to live. Next to the house there is always a garden. Many people appreciate the moments of quiet relaxation in the sorroundings of their own plants and flowers. All work that has to be done in the garden like digging or weeding can be a great pleasure, too. Gardening can also be very useful because natural farm products are quite important in a home budget and they are very healthy, too!

You cannot feel lonely or rejected when you live in the country. All the dwellers of the village are your neighbours and they know you very well. You always have somebody to talk with and you can always find help.

The rural life is much more peaceful. Time passes slowly here and there is no rush. People are more relaxed and they are hardly ever in a hurry. The neighbourhood is quiet and not crowded. People can find moments of privacy if they want to be alone because not many people live around. If you want to separate from others you can choose a place which is far away in the forest or in the fields. There, you can lead an austere life just like your ancestors.

However, there are many inconveniences connected with country life as well. There are very few shops and a selection of goods is quite poor. When you want to buy something special you have to go to a big city. Shops are closed early so you have to hurry with your shopping. In some small villages you can have problems with buying bread on Saturdays, especially if you get up late.

Children who live in the country have much worse access to education than those who live in the city. There are few schools in the country and the level of education can be quite poor in some of them. There are not too many places where children could develop their skills or interests. It is also difficult to borrow books because there are not enough libraries.

Young people brought up in the country have much worse career prospects. If they decide to stay in their home village they usually have very few jobs to choose from. It is difficult to find a very well-paid job and the prospects of promotion are rather poor. It is not easy to change a job or improve qualifications because of difficult access to courses or training.

There is a poor access to entertainment in the country. There are no cinemas, theatres or museums. If you want to see an exhibition or eat dinner in a good restaurant you have to go to the city. Rural discos are not very safe places; there are often fights and people can even get hurt. Young people are bored so they become aggressive and drink too much alcohol. Free time becomes a problem.

Country life is also difficult for elderly people. Shops are usually far away and as there is no public transport they have to walk long distances. It can be very tiring, especially in winter time. When old people have any health problems they may wait for the ambulance for a very long time.

Living in your own house among plants and trees can be a great experience but you have to be ready to accept all the inconveniences it may bring.

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