“My school” – wypracowanie po angielsku

Fragment "My school" - wypracowanie po angielsku, ale w tłumaczeniu na język polski. Dzięki temu tłumaczeniu tekst w języku angielskim nie jest opublikowany w internecie.


"(...) Ściany są puste z wyjątkiem nudnych gazetek rozpiętych na tablicach z zielonego sukna. W klasie jest tylko trochę zeschniętych kwiatków. W oknach nie ma zasłon. Ławki w klasach są stare i zniszczone.

Nasza szkoła stoi w pobliżu ruchliwego i niebezpiecznego skrzyżowania. Dyrektor nie pozwala nam wychodzić. Nie ma tu boiska, ponieważ nasza szkoła  jest w samym centrum miasta. Kiedy potrzebne jest nam boisko, musimy iść do innej szkoły w sąsiedztwie. Obok naszej szkoły rośnie tylko jedno drzewo i ono też jest zdewastowane. Wszędzie dookoła szkoły są szare i zakurzone mury z graffiti i brudnymi plamami.

Nie lubię naszej szkoły. Jest niewygodna, ciemna i przygnębiająca. Mam nadzieję, że moja następna szkoła będzie inna."


Całe wypracowanie w języku angielskim zawiera 324 słowa.

My school.

I go to an old and very big school. There are many schools like mine in every big city. The school is grey and rather dirty because many children write something on its walls. It has got two doors: a big front door and a smaller back door near the cloak room. There are three floors in the school.

On the ground floor there are eight classrooms, a dinning room and a common room. At the front door there is a reception where the janitor checks who wants to enter the school. On the left side there is a large gym. I do not like the smell of the gym. On the first floor there are ten classrooms, the headmaster’s office and the surgery. There is also a big library and a reading room. On the second floor there are more classrooms, the teachers’ room and a storeroom.

The corridors in our school are narrow and very long. The floor is shiny and rather slippery so we cannot run inside the school. The classrooms are big and high. They are not cosy at all. The walls are empty except for some boring bulletins pinned to the boards made of green fabric. There are only a few dry plants. There are no curtains in the windows. The desks in the classroom are old and devastated.

Our school is very close to a busy and dangerous crossroads. The headmaster does not allow us to go out. There is no playground because we are at the very centre of the city and when we need one we have to go to another school in the neighbourhood. There is only one tree near our school and it is vandalized, too. Everywhere around the school there are grey and dusty walls with graffiti and dirty stains.

I do not like our school. It is uncomfortable, dark and depressing. I hope that my secondary school will look different.

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