“The worst day in my life” – wypracowanie po angielsku.

Fragment "The worst day in my life" - wypracowanie po angielsku, ale w tłumaczeniu na język polski. Dzięki temu tłumaczeniu tekst w języku angielskim nie jest opublikowany w internecie.


"(...) Dotarłam do domu w bardzo, bardzo złym nastroju i postanowiłam rzucić okiem na nową suknię wieczorową mamy. Bardzo lubię eleganckie ubrania i relaksuję się, kiedy na nie patrzę. Ta sukienka była naprawdę śliczna. Uszyta z zielonego błyszczącego materiały, miała wielki dekolt. Byłam sama w domu, a sukienka była taka kusząca... W końcu zadecydowałam, że ubiorę ją tylko na pięć minut. Kiedy oglądałam się w lustrze, nagle zadzwonił telefon. Pobiegłam więc, żeby go odebrać i potknęłam się na dywanie. Na swoje nieszczęście oderwałam piękną przezroczystą falbanę na spodzie sukienki. Struchlałam.


Szybko zdjęłam sukienkę i postanowiłam ukryć ją w najwyższej szafie w domu. Wybrałam najwyższą półkę i kiedy stałam na taborecie, aby ją tam wsadzić, poślizgnęłam się i upadłam. Spadając uderzyłam głową w róg stołu. Zrobiłam sobie dużą ranę na czole, ale dałam rade zadzwonić po tatę. Przyjechał do domu bardzo szybko i zabrał mnie do szpitala. Musieli mi założyć dziesięć szwów i było to bardzo nieprzyjemne. Nadal mam bliznę na czole. Był to zdecydowanie najgorszy dzień w moim życiu."


Całe wypracowanie w języku angielskim zawiera 477 słowa.

The worst day in my life.

The worst day in my life happened about three months ago but I can still remember everything very clearly. I woke up and realized that I was late for school. Being late wasn’t the worst thing – the worst thing was that in the first lesson we were going to take a test in fractions and percentages. I had been studying very hard for that test and I wanted to get a good mark. So it was the first disaster.

I went to school in a very bad mood. I went in the middle of the lesson and the teacher said that he was not surprised that I was late for an important test. The truth is that I am rather poor at maths, yet I think that he was malicious. During the long break I realized that I had forgotten my sandwiches so I was hungry for the rest of the school day. It was a terrible feeling.

What was more, during that very break I saw a boy whom I like very much with his terrible girl from another class. They looked as if they were really having a good time. I got depressed. So I decided to tell my best friend about this boy and seek her advice. When I told him about the boy she replied that in her opinion the boy was very stupid and that she would never ever pay any attention to him. And we quarreled.

When I got home I was in very, very bad mood, and I decided to have a look at my mother’s new evening dress. I like elegant clothes a lot and I find it relaxing to look at them. That dress was really cute. It was made of green, shiny fabric and had a big décolletage. I was alone at home and the dress was so tempting… Finally I decided to put it on just for five minutes. When I was looking at myself in the mirror the telephone suddenly rang. So I rushed to answer it and the I stumbled over the rug. Unfortunately for me I tore off a beautiful transparent flounce just at the bottom of the dress. I was terrified.

I took off the dress quickly and decided to hide it in the tallest wardrobe in the house. I chose the top shelf and while I was standing on the stool to put it in there I slipped and fell down. I hit my head on the corner of the table. I got a big wound on my forehead but I managed to call my dad. He came very soon and took me to the hospital. I needed ten stitches for the cut and it was very unpleasant. I still have a scar on my forehead. It was definitely the worst day in my life.

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